Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Motivation, well if you ask someone, what it is? Everyone would answer something this and that and eventually they are somehow the same and prolix, but if you ask them from where does they get this motivation, the answer differs. Some have seen vicious past, some have a strong aim to achieve, some wants to prove to everyone what they really are. Everyone has got their reason, everyone has got something to achieve, but the only roadblock they get is Motivation.

Well, nothing lasts forever, and so is this motivation. You saw a movie for say, Social Network, your adrenaline rush is on fire, you make all the ideas to be the next entrepreneur, to be a college drop-out, to be something big who no one else is and indeed you start working towards it. But, obviously it won't last a long time, it has to fade away sometime, your mind has to be blank again, it has to search again for motivation.

I was motivated from a person, a writer who is the editor of a magazine, editor of many clubs in our college. I simply asked him about the source of his motivation. And the response which he gave me was hilarious, a bizarre and intensified as it was certainly calling to moot.

'Whenever all the wrong thoughts cross my mind, whenever I become a pessimist, whenever I'm out of the ideas and ready to quit, I imagine my mother weeping for me, I imagine my brother patting me, I imagine my father hugging me and I imagine my good friends rising me up. Yes, I do, I think of the day when my novel will be published and the time, when my mother would cry in joy, when my father would be proud of me, when my brother would proudly say to his friends about me.

Moreover, I day dream that I'll be invited to some institution as a key Motivational Speaker and being nostalgic at that moment and explain my story to the youngsters who would be in a desperate need to be motivated. I'll explain them the value of being rich from the rags, to be something different from the bunch of similar people, to rise up from the grave and to be a personality. I day dream the time when I'll be famous, when very other person would be running to get an autograph, to get a glimpse and that is success.

Well, all these dreaming keep me unabated and unfazed from anything, take it bullying, the peer pressure, pessimism or anything, I certainly don't feel aback from these little pity things, just because I see the smiling faces of my close people, how proud they would be if I achieve my goal. I consider only two options for any problem in my life, 1. Success and 2. Try Again.'

His words were imprinted on my mind. He definitely changed my perception and showed me a new way to be motivated. I certainly had the goosebumps when I listened to him patiently. Well, it is simple that whatever your aim is, work for it, make a strategy and conquer it with passion. Intense work is mandatory to achieve your aim, be unscathed from the beleaguered situations, from the usual shackles at every corner. Be motivated, be pumped, achiever your aim, be impeccable.

1 comment:

  1. Your writing seems to be a mixture of experience and versatility. I am fond of your work. You must keep it up. You are doing a great job fella..!!
