Saturday, 14 March 2015

You, Yes you, you are not Alone!

I recently took a trip to Pondicherry which is now Puducherry though the previous name was more cool. Anyhow, I was some 50 meters out from the shore, the water level was roughly around my neck and my feet were barely able to be on the ground in the water. The tides were passing though a big one might have caused trouble that time but I had a backup thanks to my friend. Now, when I was trying to be on my feet, I was more focused on thinking about my 2nd Novel's story rather than drowning or something. My eyes were glued at as far as I could see and for a moment I thought I was all alone there, with no one in sight, just silence, only I felt my presence and of course of water but literally, I realized I was alone. But, just a few minutes later, my friend tapped me on my shoulder from behind and some of the friends were screaming from the shore, asking me to be back there for photo session. Just in split second, I was not alone, I had everyone.

Five days since I returned and none of my friends are in hostel, all have gone home. Of course, anyone would feel alone and a person feels alone when his usual routine changes, when the people he moves with suddenly are not moving with him. Well, as a result, I confined myself in my room after bringing some 4-5 packets of grocery items like biscuits and chips and kept on watching many TV series. Today evening, I stepped out of the room and went out of the hostel and I was mixed up with a dozen people. Alone much? No!

The answer to considering considering yourself Alone is that even if your friends are not with you, even if you don't have much friends, even if you have not many people to talk to, you are still never alone. You have to push yourself to move out from the trite routine to be comfortable and to stop from being Alone.

Each and every person in this world was born as a single individual. Should he be called alone? No! In a few seconds, he would have everyone, he was never alone. Any person on this planet is never alone. Any person who claims to be alone just pretends to be alone, he never is. That person is simply so inspired by the movies or anything that he seems it to be cool and a style statement. Well, that happens for only a few minutes or say hours and then that person himself would turn for some company.

The world was not made to stay away and separate, it is made to be close to each other, to love each other, to know each other and the people just don't understand this simple-simple logic. It's really very easy to keep yourself at a distance from the society or the community. It is really very simple to be bored. It is really very simple to be depress and it is really very simple to declare yourself Alone.

But, everything happens for a matter of some time. After say some hours, you tend to talk to someone and that could be anyone, you find yourself a hobby to remove boredom, you either go to counselor or doctor to tackle your depression. You just try to be with someone and at the end you talk to anyone and whine that you are alone and feel better. In a way, you find a way to remove the 'Alone' factor by indulging into someone or something.

Alone is more of a mood. It happens for a very little time duration. Everyone wants a company, a good company. Some are deprived of it but still they hope not to be alone, some have it and they should really not call themselves Alone.

You are never alone, you just pretend to be alone. If you still consider that you don't have anyone, then find someone so that you would no more feel the same. Move out from being recluse, you will be joined by many new faces, still feel Alone? Go out, do something, do anything, make friends, talk to random people, talk to anyone, because there are billions of people and hence you are not alone.

I read an article somewhere a long time back. It was of a person, a USA soldier who served his country in World War II in France. When he came back after a couple of years after the war ended and after surviving two horrifying years, fighting everyday to be alive, he found that his family was no more. His wife, two small kids and his parents all died in a car crash just a couple of weeks before his arrival. He saved his life in the war but couldn't save his family's. He was obviously disturbed with that news, depressed, he even had to go to psychiatrist after that. He said, 'I killed many soldiers and I saw many deaths but the thought of my family waiting for me kept me to go on. Now, there is no one for whom I should live.' The soldier left the army and stayed at his house for almost an year, even the neighbors didn't know about his whereabouts. After a year, he got a job. He started playing guitar at subways and other places and collected money and took homeless people for a meal and talked to them for hours. It was his way not to be Alone. Apparently, he learned on his son's guitar in an year. So, the people who call themselves Alone, what's your excuse?

Life is too short and if you consider yourself alone then rethink, you would have someone with whom you can talk to, share to. Someone includes anyone and everyone even a random person walking on the road. Alone is just an option, it is you who think to take that option. Don't! You are not Alone, look around, you have someone, you have everyone. You, yes you, you are not Alone!


  1. Complicated phenomenon explained in simple manner. Must be Eye-opener for many.
    Good flow of thoughts.

  2. Good one bro!! especially the soldier part, inspiring!!

  3. Hi, I'm sorry to have to reach you via this comment section, Mr. Saurabh Mathur, but your twitter account was inactive.
    I wish to have your advice regarding a career as a writer. Can I have a chat with you on twitter sometime? I've recently followed you. Saher.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Alone? Sure nobody is alone, infact it takes a whole lot of effort to find a bit of privacy in this world! One hardly ever finds a nook for one's self away from prying eyes and curious minds. You are right, nobody is ALONE. Yet the condition you are talking about is very different from that...its not about being alone, its being LONELY and there is all the difference in the world between these two conditions! Being alone is a condition when there is nobody around you, when you find yourself in a moment of solitude. It is a glorious experience, being alone.
    Being lonely is the feeling of not belonging, not being loved, of being cold in an icy gust...there can be a million people around you, talking to you, even related to you, yet it would not make a difference to the loneliness. Loneliness is the pain of feeling lost in a world full of those who do not understand you.
    Thank goodness its a fluctuating mental state which tends to surface and to fade away mysteriously and relief is restored, as you described happened to you in the pool and to the people in the article....but that does not make it at all unreal! It is very real while it lasts.

    1. Loneliness is basically a self structured state of mind which a person develops by himself out of depression or maybe many factors. Though, it is not necessary he can't find a company, everyone can find a company. Obviously, being lonely is way different than being alone but they are just two distant brothers of the same parents.
      Point I tried to put in here was no matter how much you feel suffocated, alone, depressed, you will always have one single person and if not you can easily find one! It depend upon you what you have to do, either be drown in the pool of loneliness, depression or get out and feel the clear sky. It's all about being positive in a short-short life.
